Our cellar master Jiří Toman was named the BEST ENOLOGIST (Winemaker) of the prestigious BACCHUS MADRID 2021 exhibition

We would like to share with you one of the greatest success stories in the history of our winery.
It is another precious meta for us and its significance is quite extraordinary. It is in fact proof that if you do your work with humility and love, success will come sooner or later.
We didn't really expect it, but of course we are even more happy about it. Our cellar master Jiří Toman has won the prestigious award for the best oenologist in the category of still wines in the whole Bacchus Madrid 2021 competition. This fantastic success is a satisfaction for his many years of excellent work and a tribute to a traditional profession that has been with us for hundreds of years. 
We would like to publicly congratulate Jirka and wish him many more successes. We greatly appreciate his approach and conscientiousness with which he has been doing his work for B/V winery since 2013.